Last night we bottled the pale ale brewed by Frank Barickman of the SODZ at our October Too Many Cooks! Eric Bean, brewmaster of the Columbus Brewing Company, also joined us last night. Frank set us to work on cleaning, bottling, and capping the beer.

Frank also shared the final stats and recipe for our homebrew with me, so I wanted to pass them on:
5.5 gallon batch (3.0 gallon boil)
OG = 1.054 (13.4P)
FG = 1.014 (3.6P)
SRM = 10
IBU = 41
ABV = 5.2%
6.0 lbs Dry Malt Extract (Light)
0.5 lbs dextrine malt
0.5 lbs crystal 40
0.75 oz Amarillo 8% AA (60 min) (partial boil 3 gal = 20 IBUs)
1.5 oz Amarillo 8% AA (20 min) (partial boil 3 gal = 20 IBUs)
2.0 oz Amarillo 8% AA (1 min) (partial boil 3 gal = 1 IBUS)
We want to say thanks again to Frank and Eric for sharing their expertise with us! If you'd like to see more of them and their work, look for Eric at the CBC's Winter Warmer release party at Studio 35 on Thursday, October 30 at 6 p.m. Frank will be at Gordon Biersch on Saturday, November 1, helping to host the American Hombrewers' Association Teach a Friend to Brew Day, starting around 9 a.m. Come watch as brewers brew different batches of beer that day!
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