Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Beer and brewing follow-up!

Thanks to everyone who came to Too Many Cooks this past Sunday! We especially want to thank Eric Bean of the Columbus Brewing Company and Frank Barickman of the SODZ for the donation of their time, expertise, and resources. Here are some sites that Frank has passed along in case you wanted to know more about beer and homebrewing:

http://www.bjcp.org/ - site for the Beer Judge Certification Program

http://www.beertown.org - site for the American Homebrewing Association

And don't forget one of my favorites, http://beeradvocate.com, a great site for exploring and discussing beer.

For the record, the beers we tasted were:
1. Gordon Biersch Berliner Weiss
2. Gordon Biersch Berliner Weiss (with woodruff extract)
3. Columbus Brewing Co Apricot Ale
4. CBC Meg's Gold
5. CBC 90 Shilling (Scottish Ale)
6. CBC India Pale Ale

And stay tuned for a follow-up event in a couple weeks - Frank brewed a small batch of a pale ale during the event, and pretty soon we'll have a small BYOB party while we sample and bottle the homebrew! Details will be coming up soon!

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