It's that time of year again - time for pumpkins, football, apple pie, and of course, Art of the Harvest, our third annual celebration of all things autumn! This intimate night is a collection of Ohio autumn goodness featuring local music, top-notch storytellers, performances, a community pumpkin-carving session, and delicious fall goodies. Sponsored by Cackler Family Farms, we'll be showcasing a host of past WGC favorites, including music from Andy Malone, spooky stories from professional teller Frank McGarvey, and more! It will be an evening that's sure to entertain and inspire, so join us as we interpret and celebrate this mysterious and beautiful season.

Join us for our October Third Thursdays as we celebrate the harvest on Thursday, October 15 at 8 p.m. $5 suggested donation. As an enticement, here are some pictures from last year's AotH:

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