There's a lot happening (as always) at Wild Goose, and you're welcome to join us for all of it! Just a taste...
Speak Easy - true stories told liveThursday, February 4 at 7 pmOur new monthly live storytelling event - taking place the first Thursday of every month - happens again on February 4. The theme for the month is Lost & Found: Stories about Love
$5 - BYOB
Too Many Cooks: vegetarian cookingSunday, February 7 at 7 pmChef Laura Robertson-Boyd teaches us the art of cooking and eating vegetarian. A great alternative to the Super Bowl!
Workchopping: Knife SkillsSaturday, February 20 from 9-11 amA beginner-level class on knife skills for the kitchen!
$35 - e-mail to register
Columbus Comedy FestivalFebruary 25-27Join us for three days of performances and workshops featuring Columbus' best in improv, stand-up, sketch, and video comedy.
$10 each night/$5 each workshop
BeerCampSunday, March 28 from 2-5 pmCelebrate all things beer with a parade, homebrew competitions, cooking with beer competitions, and much more!